The London rapper’s first new single of the year feels like a return to sanctified ground. This time around someone or something has breached Simz's defences and left her vulnerable. "How dare you, how dare you / I was shutting down the world and it scared you" she raps at the beginning, rage simmering to match the beat's war-ready drums and post-punk bassline. Obongjayar, Simz's longtime collaborator, brings things directly to the spiritual realm, singing "As I walk this wicked ground, keep me away from the devil's palm / I am the light." Simz offers her own commandments in the song's second half: don't trust an outstretched hand, keep your feelings in check, and watch every aspect of your health. Like everything Simz does, there are many layers to each, and sometimes even good versus evil isn't as simple as it appears.
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